I’ve been getting a strong message lately, and it’s not a
new one: SLOW DOWN! Actually, I’ve been getting different
iterations of this message for about 30 years, and up until now I have totally
ignored them.
I’m the kind of girl who runs full bore ahead until complete
exhaustion forces me to stop. Most often it’s a cold or flu that puts me to
rest for a few days, and even then, I can’t resist using the “down-time” to clean
out closets, make lists, re-organize the kitchen…. well, you know the drill.
It’s like this – God gives me a little tap-tap-tap on the shoulder (in the form
of the aforementioned cold) and I brush him off time and again. I just refuse
to listen.

Anyway, God must have been sick and tired of being ignored, because
last April, instead of a tap-tap-tap on the shoulder, he clocked me one – he
knocked me out with a very tough lesson. I was zooming along trying to be perfect at yoga when I over-stretched to such an extreme that I tore my hip labral
cartilage and strained the hip flexor tendon. Truly unbelievable. Stubborn as always, rather than slow down and
listen to my body, I charged ahead seeking a solution.
I spent months getting every treatment in the book and
working hard at physical therapy while my symptoms only got worse. Finally my good friend and muscle therapist
said, “Maybe you need to rest, Erin. This
is a bad injury. Rest it.” I was at my wit’s end, in tears every five
minutes from frustration, and so, finally, I listened.
While painful, exasperating and disturbingly slow to heal,
this injury has taught me much. I
learned that healing begins in my mind. That no amount of effort or determination can
move things along faster than they are meant to go. That until I surrender and am willing to
accept my limitations, I will not find any peace. And most importantly, I
learned that my decades old nagging message is crucial to happiness and success. Life is about the process, not the result. Having an intense focus on achieving a positive
outcome defeats its own purpose.
This summer has been an emotional roller coaster. I am just now beginning to learn how to be
still, how to rest and how to value my own internal deadlines more than the insane music business pressures that drive me. I’m not fool enough to believe that I am
finished with this lesson, but I can say that I’ve passed the first course:
Slow Down: 101 – 4 credits – B minus. Fall semester coming
Here is my new mantra:
Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
for fun and feelin' groovy. (Paul Simon)
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