25 Things About Erin
So, back in 2009 when I first joined FaceBook, there was a note going around asking everyone to list 25 things about themselves and send the list on to 25 friends. Clearly, I did not have enough to do at the time, so I filled it out. Actually, I had a good time thinking this stuff up. It's always a revelation to write about yourself...you find out the strangest things!
Anyway, I thought you might enjoy it! This was just before we went in to the studio to start tracking Nice Girls.
1. I think Rob Mounsey is one heady dude.
2. My inner circle call me "The Dipster"
3. I like doing bookeeping. Go figure.
4. I sleep with two dogs and a cat. Poor Tony.
[Sadly, only one dog now.]
5. I believe that everything in my life - good and bad - is nothing more that an image created in my mind, and I can create or remove whatever I want anytime I want.
6. I can't write, or even think, when my house is dirty.
7. I thrive on change.
8. I wish I could remember more stuff...I think I may have done some pretty interesting things :)
9. The opposite of love is fear. But what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. (ACIM)
10. Did I mention bookeeping?
11. I am married to a lawyer, and he "gets" me better than any guitar player on the planet.
12. I am a hell of a good cook.
13. My jeans are tight.
14. My favorite songwriter who "can't remember the words" is Jesse Frederick.
15. I am happy, always seem to be, no matter what is going on around me.
16. Both of us are Gemini, and we disagree a lot.
17. Tony is a Libra, and he gets along with everyone.
18. I have amazing friends. They blow my mind.
19. Good fortune is a decision. I wish I had known that in my youth. Could have saved a lot of anguish over nothing.
20. I am afraid to upgrade to Leopard. I think it may be a communist plot to make my studio inoperable.
[Since then, I've taken the plunge.]
21. I am not deep, or complicated or mysterious; I am genuine and compassionate.
22. I get off on cursing.
23. I'm a good dancer.
24. I'm an excellent singer.
25. I thank God every morning for everything I can think of.
The End.